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  My life would just not be the same without flowers. I am lucky enough to receive a bouquet from the local farmers' market nearly every week from my husband, and I am capable enough to grow a bunch on my own. I place them around our house in M+A stone vases, as well as some glass ones that I've collected over the years. I have found that the weight of stone vases enables you to get a little bolder/bigger in your arrangements than glass or even ceramic, without the vases tipping over. Sometimes just a single blossom is all you need to get a boost. Simple and satisfying. But other times it's nice to use long branches for the...

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I recently went to see a textile exhibit at the Metropolitan Museum entitled "Weaving Abstraction In Ancient and Modern Art". Absolutely loved it! It will be up until June 16th. The piece shown above is by Sheila Hicks and is entitled Linen Lean-To. Hicks was one of 4 modern artists whose work was juxtaposed with weavings of ancient Andean artists. All of the work in the exhibit utilized abstract designs and geometric patterns.  If it weren't for the signage that included approximate dates for the pieces, it would have been hard to distinguish the old from the new in some cases. My sister Molly holding up an M+A Knotted Horse Hair Tassel that looks right at home in the space. Above...

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Donating 5% of Proceeds Again to PBS...

I will be donating 5% of the proceeds from the Field + Supply Fall Mrkt and sales from October 6 - 8 to my local PBS station, WMHT.  This will be the second time raising money for them.  My husband and I watch the Newshour nearly every weekday.  I value their fair and balanced approach to covering the news, and appreciate their journalistic integrity.  We also watch and love Henry Louis Gates' show, Finding Your Roots, as well as a number of cooking shows, with Pati Jinich's show, The Mexican Table, being a favorite. I've been a fan of PBS my whole life, and am honored to be able to give back a little something to them in this way....

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